Thursday, April 05, 2007


Honey!!! How are you ka? We didn't talk too much because I had to go out as you know. But I am always thinking of you a lots. I really want to know how success of your job and so no? Unfortunately, I can not call you...the network always busy... I try with not only 008 but also 007 too. I connect to internet but you don't here too. Where have you been ka? I miss you.

For today, I went to cheng-meng festival around 6.00 am and finished around 2pm. Then I and my family went to So-thron's temple. I pray for you too. After that, I went to Bangkok morter 's show at BITEC. A lots of car are very intersting but I have no money for that. I am waiting for you to do for me naka...

For your work, if you did everything as best as you can- Don't worry- You will get the reasonable results.

Love You

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