Saturday, May 12, 2007

Don't you know, How much my...?

Good morning my honey, I just so tried lastnight. I went out for my job in early morning and go on until noon. I didn't know why too many patiens go to the hospital? Anyway I have to work because I give my word to friend and it will prove I can do a job.

In the evening I went to Central rama 2 again...ieiei...with my family as you know. I ate at chinese restaurant and top up with ice-cream, so dilicious. Tong and Tew said something with you and me...They laught on me because you don't stay with me. When I went out i have to go alone T_T so sad. But I will stay with this situation. We will have each other but they can't see but we can feel, can't you?

Waiting for you come back to hug me again.

Ps...Last night, I just weight my big body...Don't you know how much my weight? Guess!

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