Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Love

Dear My lovely piggy

Don't be angry,I am so sorry. I did not call you in the morning coz' I was a bit busy until late afternoon. When I called you around 5 to 6 pm. but it was not the signal--Just let's me send the msg-- Today I did my lab and also find out the way to go to oxford coz' the ticket that I need was gone then I have to find another way. Fortunately, I do have but it is not easy to go. I have to take a coach from Liverpool to Werrington and take the train from Werrington to oxford-the price is quite higher than before (18 pounds) and for come back to liverpool, I will take the coach at London. Don't worry my love, everythig is now alright. Just waiting for the first journey. How is you work? It is well that you will go back home on next week-How long will you be your mom, 1 week ? I think she will be very happy to meet you and also make some favorite stuff for you. Regarding to the english examination, i want you to test as well. Take sometimes to reviews, it is not difficult for you. I believe in you!!!
Love you so much
PS. This is my room --- Just make you sure that I have no one on my bed--- Still waiting for only you. I really miss you huge hug-----How can I get it again----If you have any opportunity to be here in liverpoo or any nearly place , don't let's it go---
Your biggy lovely girlfriend.

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