Monday, July 17, 2006

...Great job..Good man

My love, You are so great!!! You never stop!!! You can find the best thing in your life. Great job my boy. Try your best . Enjoy with your new job. I believe in your capable. Today, I try to ring you too many times but it was no signal. Could you please tell my your Lao's number? If I can't call you, I will use it. I am not OK, if can not contact you. I went to buy an aerial antenna from the catalouge and it's OK. I have TV in my room. I also did my work at my faculty on the afternoon and waiting for the result tomorrow. Pray for me my little boy!!! How about your new job? Pls tell me in detail.
LOVE you MORE&MORE ---> DOn't You?
---> For your shirt, I will send to you by my hand. Pls. wait.

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