Sunday, July 02, 2006

Where are you !!!

My honey...Why don't you call me? I still waiting for you but no problem if you don't want to talk with me . I know that you are busy & tried. I just want to say Good Night and Kiss to you befor you go to bed. After I came back from city centre, I got 2 T-shirts but they were not so expensive. I forgot to buy the dark color-I brough the white again!!! I try to wash by hand and separate from the dark one (Don't blame me anymore). I miss you a lot. Tomorrow I will go to oxford, don't you worry about me? I promise, I try my best to takecare myself. And when I can call you i will do without any hasitate. And you already got the mobile number of my friend, don't you? (POR 07711215786) Maybe POR could not recieve your call coz' she work all the day.
PS. If you see this blog pls wake me up ... I need to talk with you no matter what time is it!!! I plan to go out around 8.15 am ( GMT+0.00)
Love you

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