Sunday, July 30, 2006

Have a good trip

I don't hear your mobile cause I slept with a loud of music, don't worry I 'm in bed alone without somegirl anymore . Today 's my sunday I will go to class to see my students, I 've a little time at here if I can give the knowledge with them , I would like to give nothing to recieve any result.
About your trip please take care , and remind again I still beside you anyway you walk, Take care yourself as best as I stayed at there.
I believed in yours don't make me sad a little...
If you can ,call me in sometime I really need your voice as you are .

I'm glad to heard everything will be as the past. Just Love with our understanding.Nothing to say anymore..Just wanna says..

I Love You!

Piggy in sawanh

PS. I will protect yours as long as you need ..

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