Saturday, July 22, 2006

I am the best for you!!!

Don't blame me like this!!! I don't know how could I do because I try my best. I try to call you many times but no signal. How could I do? I didn't do any wrong things. Just had a small party with Thai student here coz sometime I want to know somebody elase. You already known I am alone here. Howevere, I wanna you to understand me. In case of this, please try to understand me. You know sometimes social is important. By the way, you are the first important to me. I love you always. No more things that I would say. Only love is not enough but the root of everything is LOVE.
I do nothing wrong!!!
I do nothing behide you!!!
I can't do anything without you!!!
I really can't do everything without you!!!

Your super-WIFE

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