Monday, July 17, 2006

To be piggy Teacher : -P

Thanks my love , I never stop as you think, you really known myself bettter than the other.
So I will love someone anymore , NO WAY !!!

In E-Commerce Course , that new experience for me , I never teach somewhere before as you known, this is first time for me. I must plan my course to the student by myself, My real teacher tell me that is your class , your student watch to their new teacher .He ask me how to make student get idea and develope to use in daylife ,this is big problem for me.

However , The Show Must Go On!!

Today I cross to Mukdahan for send the application form to AIT by mail.

I really hope you still beside me and be my power as long as my life .

Love and be your power together.

Piggy Teacher --"

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