Friday, October 27, 2006

For future...

What happen with you again? I don't like everything as this evening...I am so sure that I hate this situation. You always know!!! I try to ring you a million times...but there was no response. I don't know-Where have you been? Who are staying with you? What are you doing? You know-I am a mess piggy. I was very moody. You could know from the sms that I sent to you at that moment. I wanna make sure that you will not do like this again. My feeling is the same as yours...when you can not contact to me-Please remember. Try your best and also think about my feeling. Now I am not in normal situation...I need more and more take care. Hoping you can do for me...
For your test, I am sure that you are not ready for this examination. But just want you to see the trend of test...then...come back for next round with completely ready.
..."" ไม่มีอะไรได้มาง่ายๆฟลุ๊คๆ โดยที่ไม่ต้องออกแรง และความสำเร็จมักอยู่ภายใต้การทุ่มเทเสมอ""....

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