Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lonely evening in L'pool.

In the evening, I went out to take a little walk near to my accommadation. I took a picture to show you. It was so lonely. The sky is quite dark...make me lonely. I know just 2 months, you will be here beside me. I will not lonely anymore. But I want you to know I a bit worry with the VISA process and also our statement. I don't know for sure you can get VISA or not. It's not the matter because we will try our best, right? Fight fight fighting!!!!

How about my work? Do you want to know...I am a lazy piggy... Today, Alister come to talk with me and ask for the progression....I wanna cry...I am so lazy....I want to go back home. I want to do nothing!!!
Please drive me to work.


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