Thursday, August 17, 2006

Don't bleam me

I just want to update my blog when I'm here alone. Bobo stay with me today. Nevermind, I will do as soon as possible. I will talk to you about my trip. I will send you all the pictures. I need you to connect hi-speed on Sunday. For my trip, I will tell you if you see my pictures. For you work, don't worry!!! If your salary reduce you have to think more and more before you spend the money...sometime it will be good for you. No matter what, where you are, I will stay beside you as before. My love always send to you as before. I love you so much my honey. I count down every minute to see you again. I miss you I miss your hug I miss your sweet kiss---I miss everything that all around us in Thailand. If you have to stay in Korat, you will see me easier!!! we will very near when I come back.
Love you as you Love me,
Your super-wife!!!

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