Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Going out Again...

After I went back from Blackpool, you know I was very busy. I did a lot of works everyday. I made you misunderstand. I know I did not keep in touch with you as before. Don't blame me. I am really sorry. Please forgive me. But my love still the same.

Today, I am so tried because I will not be here for a week. I just wanna do my lab as much as possible. Everytime I am so tried, I miss you so much. I still think if you stay nearby me you can give me an inspiration and also charge me. I know you also have the same feeling. I know what your feeling is. I am not aviable here for a week. Could you please keep in touch as you do? I wanna hear you voice everyday before I go to bed and after I wake up...(as usual)...I promise If I can connect internet, the first think I do is seeing and writing our blog.

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