Friday, August 04, 2006

I really want you to be here.

I don't know how to carry this pressure!!! Too many things to do as you know. I will try. Don't you send me the inspriration. I really need it. Anyway, don't worry I will be the best as before. I believe that If I try I can get everything. I talked with my supervisor already and the sentence that make me have more stress is " The more number, The more credit" That mean I have to do more work for publication. Just want you to know what's going on. Regarding to your digital camera, don't worry you will have another new one. You can buy if you want. (Don't forget your poor girl in L'pool naja :P) Tomorrow I will go to party...with my friends I promise I will takecare myself as you treat me. I will be back home as soon as piossible. I will let's you know when I am at home. I am your good girl anyway. Moreover, You have to be my good boy too. I trust in you. The one I love is only you. You know I will lose my self if I don't have you.


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