Friday, September 01, 2006

The way you are is the way I am!!!

My honey!!! You know how much I need you? I have a lots of things to clear and find out. For my work I have to adapt some experiment because of the previous result .

I just went back from Edinburgh. Not for travelling Just for my work!!! And we were discussing with the expert one and I have to go back and read and adapt something for my thesis. It gonna be hard but I try. Fortunately, Alister is very kindly. He know my situation and help me a lots. He is very helpful. I think I am lucky to have him as my oversea advisor. But he said to me about my next life ... I don't know for sure Does he want me as his POSTDOC or not? Nevermind, it will be the future. But he said if I want to be in research field, I have to find some place for my postdoc to earn more experiences. I think so...future What do you think? No matter what i do my best for my goal.

I really tried from my journey. Sitting on the train for 8 hrs was awful!!! Trouble...But today is a productive day for my thesis. This make more inspiration for me... and drive me to my goal.

Fight Fight Fighting!!!


PS...Don't worry you still in every beat of my heart.

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