Sunday, September 10, 2006

I believe...

There is nothing to say...I beleive in your word. I believe in your love. I believe in everythings that you do.

You said you are my good guy. I will be your good girl as well.

I have a lots of work here. I try to clear as much as possible.

This is my first birthday that I have to stay alone far from my lovely home, my honey. I am a bit lonely but I know everybody still wait for me to go back home...I just recieved your birthday call...thank you so much...I just think you drunk last night and forgot me already...But it's not the true, you can remember. I will be your piggy as long as you love me. You ask me what I want in my birthday. My answer is I want you to love me like this. I don't know how long that you love me. But that is not the matter because today you love me.

We are together, that's true and nice....

Love you ... Happy birthday to me...

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