Thursday, September 14, 2006

I do... I do...

I do appologize ... I did not pick up your call again and again. Please forgive me. I was doing my job in the lab. Then I call you back as soon as I can but you did not recieve it. Mayby you were sleeping or you were so angry me. How can I do? I do the same false again and again. So sorry...sorry...sorry. I try to call you back but you don't. Anyway please believe in me. I am the same. I am not stay with anyone as you think I did a lots of work. Don't you believed me?

How is your busy work? Please try I am stay beside you always. Don't worry the way you go, I am also with you anytime. Just Love me as I love you.

Need your hug, Need you to charge me.

Your good girl.

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