Monday, September 11, 2006


Time pass day by day...Three months already, I am in Liverpool, UK. Everything here are absolutely differnt from my home except me. I think you are the same, right? Today is my busy birthday because I wanna spend my time to work for coming on time. I still countdown to go back home. I miss everybody & everythings too much, my family, my piggy and also my dogs. My honey, how could i do? I am so tried everydays. I don't want to stay far from you anymore. However, If you have the opportunity to grow in your job, don't worry me--->you can do as you want.

You were at home...Supanburee...Have a good time at your lovely home ka.

Don't you like my T-shirt? Please ware it as much as possible. I want to tell everybody that you belong to me(ie ie ie)

Love You


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